Saturday, December 08, 2007

Radio's Decreasing Role in Driving Sales

From Marsha Lederman, Globe and Mail:

Music-biz movers and shakers met in Vancouver this week to explore the star-making power of everything from online radio and prime-time TV to music videos, iTunes and Facebook.

Once upon a time, knowing what songs were dominating the music charts was easy: You turned on the radio.

Instantly, you'd be rewarded with a spin of a hit record - by the Beatles, the Bee Gees, U2 (depending on your era). Even if you touched that dial, chances were you'd encounter the same songs on a different station.

These days, it's not that simple. The choice of new music offerings can be overwhelming, coming at listeners via video games, iTunes, television shows, music videos, social-networking sites, online radio, satellite radio and, yes, old school, terrestrial radio - where the hit-driven Top 40 format is making somewhat of a comeback, according to some industry watchers.

With the unprecedented choice comes unprecedented fragmentation. The new multiplatform universe may mean the end of multiplatinum records. "Pretty clearly the days of selling 10 million albums are done," says Nic Harcourt, music director of the influential Los Angeles radio station KCRW and host of Sounds Eclectic. "There's probably less than 10 records that sold two million [copies] this year. I think it's a different world."

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