Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Radiohead Blowback Undermines Free-Music Model


Since comScore's study was released yesterday, a wave of negative sentiment has arisen in the form of editorials denouncing "freeloaders" - the 62% of erstwhile "downloaders", who in lieu of an honor-based contribution, instead elected to pay nothing for Radiohead’s album.

Apparently short-circuited when confronted with their own avarice, much of the self-defense of Radiohead freeloaders rests upon the hackneyed and particularly non-applicable rationale of retribution against corporate greed, artist wealth, and the cost of music.

Consequently it must be considered that the free-music model, heretofore largely premised upon the goodwill of audiences to purchase other goods and/or services, has been significantly compromised; for it has now been clearly established that less than 40% of audiences may entertain artist patronage.

Furthermore, Radiohead’s professional stature and market credibility, coupled with the tremendous press coverage surrounding the release "In Rainbows" likely indicates the comScore results as representative of a best-case scenario.

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